QR Codes: See Them, Use Them, Love Them!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

You’ve been seeing these funny little squares pop up in our ads and on our flyers. What are they? I decided it’s time to do some explaining, because soon all of our listings will have these nifty little codes. Prudential is a progressive, one-step-ahead kind of agency, and we want your listings to be easily accessible! Soon these QR codes will be on flyer boxes attached to our listing signs so that drivers can easily scan the codes for information! Still confused? Read on….

What is a QR Code?

 Technology is moving fast these days, and Smart phones are gaining new capabilities quickly! Much like in a grocery store where a bar code scanner reads the bar code on your food items and relays a price, a smart phone (Blackberry, Droid, Iphone etc) now has the capability of taking a photo of these square boxes and ‘scanning’ them for information. What kind of information do they get? Essentially, when the code is scanned, the user is taken to a personalized website where they will see all the information about your listing with a description, price,  and even photos!

Why are we making the move to use QR codes?

SNOW! Ever see a listing you were interested in, but decided not to climb the ten foot snowbank to uncover the flyer box and retrieve a soggy flyer? We don’t want to lose potential leads because of our winter weather. With the use of QR codes attached to the flyer boxes, drivers can get listing information without leaving their cars! Don’t worry, flyers will still be available, as well as the “text for information” option for those without smart phones. These codes will soon show up in our paper advertising as well, so that when someone likes your listing, they can scan the code and automatically save it to their phone, no pen and paper necessary!

How can I use the QR Codes from my phone?

You have to have a smartphone to be able to scan the QR Codes. Simply search “QR code scanner” and download a program to read them. Then take a photo of the codes, and let your phone do the work! If you don’t have a smart phone, you can also get  information by text message.

I Don’t want anyone to have my phone information!

We respect your privacy! Whereas text messages to us do relay your phone information to us (Because we need it to text you back with photos and listing information), the QR code is a great, hassle free way to get info! If you do choose to scan one of our listings, you get all the info and keep your private information. At the end of the day, we simply get a number that tells us how many people have scanned our codes so we can see if they are useful. We won’t see your personal information because it simply links you to a website, so you aren’t traceable! If you don’t have a smart phone and do choose to use the texting service, don’t worry, we’re still on the other end, and if you don’t want to reply to us, you don’t have to!

Still have questions? Informally chat with us!

Still have questions? Feel Free to contact us! Something else new to our website; we have a great Chat bar down below! Again, a hassel free way to get information. Your questions will be either answered by Steph or Cam, so you will get professional, real time answers. We’re happy to answer any of your questions, and you aren’t required to provide any of your personal information to us to use our chat feature! If we aren’t online, the new feature will send us an email, and we will reply directly to your inbox (in this case, your email address is needed.) Give it a try!

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About the Author
Josh Cook
Josh Cook is The Boyd Team’s Digital Marketing Specialist. In today’s online world, having someone who knows the industry and trends is a must. Real Estate has become increasingly internet-centric, having Josh on the team to meet those needs sets The Boyd Team apart. He continues to strive to make the Boyd Team’s internet presence as expansive as possible enhancing each listing’s presence.